I couldn't decide.
So here are the options. It would be great if you could use the poll on the right to help me decide which one is the prettiest.
The photo was taken in Turkey. This is my girlfriend's beautiful eye, gazing at the Rabbits Island in Turkey.
The reflection is real and was not made by Photoshop...
Beyond Clear Sight

Nikon D-70s
Nikon 105mm f/2.8 VR
Kenko extension tubes
Beyond Clear Sight

Nikon D-70s
Nikon 105mm f/2.8 VR
Kenko extension tubes
8 תגובות:
I love b&w and think the shot is great in monochrome. But I voted for color because the contrasting blue of the reflection and eye emphasize the scene she saw.
Both versions are great, which to choose depends on whether you want a calm, dreemlike picture (b&w) or a more active shot which strongly emphasizes the eye.
damn that's a beautiful picture! I do mostly black and white, so if you're interested, have a look at
congrats and thanks.
I really like the black and white one so that is what I voted for. The thing is the color shot clearly shows what is reflected in the eye but for some reason I don't how harsh the color of the skintone appears "to me".
You now what would be cool? To photoshot the color eye into the black and white photo. Have you tried that? Hmmm..... That might be interesting.
Hold your breath. Something is cooking, and it will be out very soon... ;-)
The b/w one is good, but the colour one is amazing. In this particular case, I'd definitely vote for colour.
I think black and white has its place. I don't believe your photo gains anything by being black and white. It's not a dramatic or intense situation and I feel the lack of colour actually takes something away here. It's a great shot though, well done.
Thank you very much guys (and gals)
While the black and white photo is dramatic and wonderful as an artistic print, the color photo adds a depth to this subject making it a much more dramatic and artful photo. In my humble opinion.
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